1. Abridge – To shorten a text or piece of writing without losing the sense.
  2. Abscond – To leave hurriedly and secretly, typically to avoid detection or arrest.
  3. Accumulate – To gather or collect over time.
  4. Adversary – An opponent or enemy.
  5. Aesthetic – Concerned with beauty or the appreciation of beauty.
  6. Alleviate – To make a situation or problem less severe.
  7. Amiable – Friendly and pleasant.
  8. Anomaly – Something that deviates from what is standard or expected.
  9. Apathy – Lack of interest, enthusiasm, or concern.
  10. Arbitrary – Based on random choice or personal whim, rather than any reason or system.
  11. Articulate – To express an idea or feeling fluently and coherently.
  12. Aspire – To direct one’s hopes or ambitions toward achieving something.
  13. Benevolent – Showing kindness and goodwill.
  14. Bias – A tendency to favor one person or group over another.
  15. Blatant – Done openly and unashamedly; obvious.
  16. Candid – Truthful and straightforward; frank.
  17. Capricious – Given to sudden and unaccountable changes of mood or behavior.
  18. Censure – To express severe disapproval of someone or something.
  19. Chronological – Arranged in the order of time.
  20. Clarity – The quality of being clear and easy to understand.
  21. Concur – To agree with someone or something.
  22. Conceal – To hide or keep something secret.
  23. Conspicuous – Standing out so as to be clearly visible.
  24. Contentious – Causing or likely to cause an argument; controversial.
  25. Credible – Able to be believed; convincing.
  26. Deficit – The amount by which something is too small.
  27. Defer – To put off an action or event to a later time.
  28. Diligent – Having or showing care and conscientiousness in one’s work or duties.
  29. Eccentric – Unconventional and slightly strange.
  30. Eloquent – Fluent or persuasive in speaking or writing.
  31. Empathy – The ability to understand and share the feelings of another.
  32. Enhance – To increase or improve the quality, value, or extent of something.
  33. Erratic – Unpredictable and inconsistent.
  34. Exemplify – To illustrate or clarify by giving an example.
  35. Fluctuate – To rise and fall irregularly in number or amount.
  36. Formidable – Inspiring fear or respect through being impressively large, powerful, or intense.
  37. Fortify – To strengthen or build up defenses.
  38. Frivolous – Not having any serious purpose or value.
  39. Genuine – Truly what something is said to be; authentic.
  40. Hypothetical – Based on or involving a hypothesis; speculative.
  41. Imminent – About to happen; near.
  42. Incessant – Continuing without pause or interruption.
  43. Inhibit – To hinder, restrain, or prevent an action or process.
  44. Intrepid – Fearless; adventurous.
  45. Juxtapose – To place things side by side for comparison.
  46. Keen – Having or showing eagerness or enthusiasm.
  47. Lament – To mourn or express sorrow for something.
  48. Meticulous – Showing great attention to detail; very careful and precise.
  49. Mundane – Lacking interest or excitement; dull.
  50. Notorious – Famous or well-known for something bad.
  51. Obscure – Not discovered or known about; uncertain.
  52. Omit – To leave out or exclude.
  53. Plausible – Seeming reasonable or probable.
  54. Pristine – In its original condition; unspoiled.
  55. Procrastinate – To delay or postpone action.
  56. Pugnacious – Eager or quick to argue or fight.
  57. Rebuke – To express sharp disapproval or criticism.
  58. Reconcile – To restore friendly relations between.
  59. Resilient – Able to recover quickly from difficulties.
  60. Skeptical – Not easily convinced; having doubts or reservations.
  61. Substantiate – To provide evidence to support or prove the truth of something.
  62. Taciturn – Reserved or uncommunicative in speech; saying little.
  63. Tangible – Perceptible by touch; clear and definite.
  64. Transient – Lasting only for a short time.
  65. Ubiquitous – Present, appearing, or found everywhere.
  66. Vehement – Showing strong feeling; forceful, passionate, or intense.
  67. Vivid – Producing powerful feelings or strong, clear images in the mind.
  68. Warrant – To justify or necessitate (a certain course of action).
  69. Zealous – Having or showing great energy or enthusiasm in pursuit of a cause.
  70. Altruistic – Showing a selfless concern for the well-being of others.
  71. Augment – To make something greater by adding to it.
  72. Benevolent – Well meaning and kindly.
  73. Brevity – The quality of being brief in duration.
  74. Candor – The quality of being open and honest in expression.
  75. Coerce – To persuade an unwilling person to do something by using force or threats.
  76. Cordial – Warm and friendly.
  77. Dissonance – Lack of harmony among musical notes or a lack of agreement.
  78. Emanate – To spread out from a source.
  79. Exuberant – Filled with lively energy and excitement.
  80. Facilitate – To make an action or process easier.
  81. Indignant – Feeling or showing anger or annoyance at what is perceived as unfair treatment.
  82. Jubilant – Feeling or expressing great happiness and triumph.
  83. Modest – Unassuming in the estimation of one’s abilities or achievements.
  84. Nefarious – Wicked or criminal.
  85. Oblivious – Not aware of or not concerned about what is happening around one.
  86. Plausible – Seeming reasonable or probable.
  87. Quintessential – Representing the most perfect or typical example of a quality or class.
  88. Rudimentary – Involving or limited to basic principles.
  89. Sanguine – Optimistic or positive, especially in an apparently bad or difficult situation.
  90. Tangible – Perceptible by touch; capable of being touched or felt.
  91. Unequivocal – Leaving no doubt; unambiguous.
  92. Vigorous – Strong, healthy, and full of energy.
  93. Whimsical – Playfully quaint or fanciful, especially in an appealing and amusing way.
  94. Zenith – The time at which something is most powerful or successful.
  95. Abate – To become less intense or widespread.
  96. Chronic – Persisting for a long time or constantly recurring.
  97. Enervate – To cause someone to feel drained of energy or vitality.
  98. Immutable – Unchanging over time or unable to be changed.
  99. Lethargic – Affected by lethargy; sluggish and apathetic.
  100. Succinct – Briefly and clearly expressed.

Let’s practice!🖊️